
Week 3 Reflection

One thing we have done in class that has helped me with my writing process was the learning analysis essay. I normally procrastinate a lot on my schoolwork, yet the rigidity of the due date meant that I did not have the usual leniency I have come to expect. In this way, this assignment helped me to overcome the normal barriers I encounter with my writing and I was able to concentrate and get the paper done. Moreover, peer reviewing another students paper helped me to see mistakes in my writing that I wouldnt have been able to see otherwise. I also enjoyed seeing my peers interpretation of the assignment. I can apply the idea of revision to my work by reviewing it to make it stronger. I can also implement ways to make myself less distracted while doing schoolwork, i.e. putting my phone in a different room while Im working (which is what I did while writing the learning analysis essay). I havnt found anything super confusing, not yet at least.


About me

Hello! Who am I ? Great question! My name is Abraham Fenton, and Im currently an undergrad at The City College of New York. My interests (academically speaking) include the social sciences, specifically anthropology and political science, and journalism. But I am more than a student, I am a reader, a journaler, a (bad and self-proclaimed) singer, a traveler, a story teller, a music listener, a Khaen playing, spiritual practicing, commune-living activist; just to name a few of the facets that make me me. This portfolio will showcase my work as I learn and grow as a writer, and it is my most sincere hope that you thoroughly enjoy.